Let’s GoGreen​

You can now offset your carbon
emissions when you fill up.

Let’s go
carbon neutral

You can now offset
your carbon emissions
when you fill up.

Do your bit for the planet by offsetting the carbon emissions from your driving with GoGreen.

Together, we've offset
7,815,900 kg

of CO₂ emissions

About the same as 1,530 trees

Together, we've offset
7,815,900 kg

of CO₂ emissions

About the same as
1,530 trees

How it works

GoGreen - How it works
Sizing your Carbon Footprint
We calculate the carbon emissions associated with your fuel consumption.
Offsetting your emissions
We buy carbon credits from accredited projects and offset your emissions for you.
Offsetting our emissions
We do our part too. We also buy carbon credits to offset the emissions associated with running our business.
Making an impact
This program is not-for-profit. Your contribution goes directly to environmental projects across Australia and the world.

Carbon Offset Projects

GoGreen - Bush regeneration
Bush Regeneration

Located in New South Wales and Queensland, this farming project works with landholders to regenerate and protect native vegetation The project helps improve marginal land, reduce salinity and erosion and provide income to farmers.

Widespread land clearing has significantly impacted local ecosystems. This degradation and loss of plant species threatens the food and habitat on which other native species rely. Clearing allows weeds and invasive animals to spread and affects greenhouse gas emissions.

The project areas harbour a number of indigenous plant species that provide important habitat and nutrients for native wildlife. By erecting fencing and actively managing invasive species, the project avoids emissions caused by clearing and achieves key environmental and biodiversity benefits.

Renewable Wind Energy

Across Asia, wind farms introduce clean energy to the grid which would otherwise be generated by coal-fired powerstations. Wind power is clean in two ways: it produces no emissions and also avoids the local air pollutants associated with fossil fuels. Electricity availability in the regions has been improved, reducing the occurrence of blackouts.

The projects support national energy security and strengthen rural electrification coverage. In constructing the turbines and solar array, new roads are built, improving accessibility for locals. The boost in local employment by people engaged as engineers, maintenance technicians and 24-hour on-site operators also boosts local economies and village services.

GoGreen - Rainforest rescue
Rainforest Rescue

Projects across South America, Oceania and Africa protect millions of hectares of native forests, which secure wildlife habitat and support local communities. For example, projects across Peru protect large, intact expanses of rainforest that would otherwise be cleared, preventing the release of millions of tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions each year. Protecting the forests secures the carbon stored within the organic matter.

These projects diversify landholder income and put a value on retaining the forests by supporting sustainable agroforestry, including cocoa and coffee production. In addition to reducing emissions, protecting rainforests secures vital habitat for millions of endemic and endangered rainforest species of animals and plants.

Clean Cookstoves

Many rural populations across Africa, Asia and Central South America cook on highly inefficient, traditional three-stone fires, often located inside poorly ventilated kitchens with small windows. This not only causes severe household air pollution and chronic respiratory, heart and eye disease but imposes a material health burden on women and children who are responsible for preparing meals.

These offset projects build clean, efficient stoves that slow down the combustion of wood, significantly improving indoor air quality and reducing health risks. Because they require less wood, the stoves also reduce the amount of time women and children spend gathering firewood each week, allowing time for other activities.

Let's GoGreen
Download the OTR App today and opt-in to carbon offsetting. OTR GoGreen enables you to take action today and stop waiting for lower emissions vehicles to become accessible.

Frequently Asked Questions

OTR GoGreen is a simple way to offset the carbon emissions from your fuel. Read through the FAQs below or contact us if you need further information.

Where emissions are unavoidable or difficult to reduce, they can be offset through separate projects which reduce or remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere elsewhere. The amount of greenhouse gas emissions reduced or removed is measured in a unit known as a carbon offset (or carbon credit). OTR’s GoGreen program enables you to offset the emissions produced from your fuel purchase.

OTR supports a mix of Australian and international projects spanning rainforest protection, bush regeneration, renewable energy, and energy efficiency. You can learn more about these projects on our website.

Emissions have been measured across all activities associated with your fuel. This includes extracting, refining, transporting, retailing, and combusting fuel. Our measurements have been independently verified by a 3rd party auditor.

Yes, OTR funds the cost of offsetting all emissions arising from extracting, refining, transporting, and retailing fuel at no cost to customers. This means that our customers only offset the emissions associated with driving their vehicle (combusting the fuel).

OTR uses a strict set of criteria to ensure that only high-integrity offsets are purchased. Offsets must be issued by a reputable accreditation body and have passed a due diligence process performed by one of Australia’s leading carbon offset providers, Tasman Environmental Markets Australia Pty Ltd (TEM). The diligence process involves evaluation of all offset project documentation, such as verification reports and ongoing monitoring reports, and can include in-person visits to select projects.

Yes, you can adjust your offset percentage at any time prior to fuel transaction through the App’s Account Management settings.

Yes, you can stop contributing to carbon offsetting at any time through the app’s settings. You will always have the opportunity to join again via GoGreen in the menu or after an in-app fuel transaction.

The App provides a dashboard where you can monitor your offsetting progress, view your earned badges, and see the impact of your contributions.

Unfortunately, offset contributions are non-refundable once they have been made. Be sure to adjust your offset percentage as needed.
No. However, the offset percentage selected in your account will be applied as the default for all in-app fuel purchases. If you wish to make a change, please do so before starting your fuel purchase. You can access it via Account Management –> GoGreen–> Settings.